This here dance record is going to make some noise when it drops in a couple of days. French band Justice have made a dance album, yes -- and a great one, yes -- but would they play at the same house Daft Punk is playing at? Justice's party is the glitch-party inside us, where no one else is invited. It's darker, and can make us a little nervous, but in the end, who knows us better then we know ourselves?

Next, Montreal No-Wave band TTTTTTTTTT create wonderful noise for us. With no electronics (as far as i know), limited effects, this is noise-rock at it most basic, and in turn most difficult to accomplish successfully. Without walls of electronics or guitars turned to 11, it takes sheer creativity to make cacophony bearable. This is a limited CD-R release that was sold at shows only. These guys are truly up-and-comers so if you like what you hear and have any opportunity to support them in your city, do so. You'll see they deserve it.

Lastly, with an off-topic post, I'm putting up the first 10 issues of the absolutely brilliant, beautiful comic Y: The Last Man, about an unknown plague that wipes out every living being with a Y chromosome except for Yorick Brown and his pet monkey. Dispelling all notions of "the world being more peaceful if it were run by women", this post-apocalyptic story is utterly original and the cinematic approach to the artwork is breathtaking. Give it a chance, and if you all are interested in reading the rest, I'll post 10 issues every update until I get to the latest 54th. Comment, let me know.
(Click on the images to download. Enjoy!)
how do i get the y the last man to work...?
im on a mac, and i use SimpleComic.
otherwise, just find some comic-specific software. im sure there are a bunch of free ones out there.
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